How Tall Is It?

Apr 29, 2014

We have this tall plant in our back yard.

How tall is it?

Tall enough to give weather forecasts. (It's never caught “short” by a sudden storm.)

Tall enough to see over the neighbor's fence to find a missing ball.

Tall enough to be "the resident tall plant" in the garden (sort of like "the resident tall person" in the office who's asked to change the clocks when Daylight Savings Time ends or begins).

Tall enough to be called a “tower.”

Tall enough to be prohibited from taking a short course.

Tall enough to have strawberry longcake instead of strawberry shortcake.

Tall enough to dunk if it were an NBA player.

It's THAT tall.

The "tower of jewels," appropriately named, can tower up to 10 feet or so. It doesn't stop short of growing.

When in full bloom, it's covered with red blossoms that resemble a decorated Christmas tree. It's a member of the Boraginaceae family, andeven boasts a scientific name that has "pretty" in it. Sort of. It's  Echium wildpretii and is endemic to the island of Tenerife.

What's really amazing is that the tower of jewels turns into a "tower of bees" when it blooms. It attracts honey bees (check out the blue pollen), carpenter bees and bumble bees, as well as hummingbirds, syrphid flies, and a few spiders.

How grand and glorious can it get? "Wildpretii" grand and glorious.