Burning Paper Raisin Trays

Aug 13, 2010

Compliance Assistance Bulletin:
Requirements for Burning Paper Raisin Trays

On May 20, 2010, the SJV Air Pollution Control District’s Governing Board postponed the prohibition of burning paper raisin trays in accordance with the requirements District Rule 4103

(Open Burning) and California Health and Safety Code Sections 41855.5 and 41855.6. Therefore, the burning of paper raisin trays will continue to be allowed with a valid District issued agricultural burn permit and District authorization until such time that economically and technically feasible alternatives to open burning exist.

As a condition of the postponement, specific requirements were put in place by the Board in order to minimize smoke impacts and will affect all District agricultural burn permit holders authorized to burn paper raisin trays. 

Please be advised that the failure to comply with the requirements outlined by the SJV Air Pollution Control District will result in the Violation and the imposition of a monetary penalty.

For an answer to your questions on open burning and/or agricultural burn permits, please call 1-800-665-2876 between 6:00 AM and 11:00 AM.

By Stephen J. Vasquez
Author - Viticulture Farm Advisor