WEBINAR :: Potential biocontrol management for puncturevine

Aug 3, 2023

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The August edition of the IPM Hour features Kristen Bowers from New Mexico State University discussing her research into using climate-adapted insect biocontrol agents to control puncturevine in the West.

Bowers, with funding from the Western Integrated Pest Management Center, is measuring the cold-hardiness of puncturevine-eating weevils from New Mexico to see if they can tolerate cool northern climes and potentially boost biocontrol efforts throughout the region.

Join the webinar live om Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at noon (Pacific Time.)


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Episode 32 - Watch Recording

Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Management of Invasive Knotweed on an Unregulated Western River

Presenters: Jill Silver, 10,000 Years Institute and Lauren Kuehne, Omnifishient Consulting

Description: Invasive knotweed was introduced into the Hoh River during a flood in 1999 and efforts to manage it began shortly thereafter. Those efforts were well documented with extensive data collection, and this presentation looks at some of the lessons learned during the 20-year effort.

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Episode 31 - Watch Recording

Using persistent herbicides to produce certified weed-free products and updates into the non-target impacts of basal bark treatments

Presenter: Gino Graziano, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Description: Using persistent herbicides to produce certified weed-free products and updates into the non-target impacts of basal bark treatments.

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Episode 29 - Watch Recording

Integrated and Cooperative Russian Thistle Management in the Semi-Arid Pacific Northwest

Presenter: Judit Barroso, Oregon State University

Description: This presentation will focus on Russian thistle ecology (seed germination, seed viability, seed longevity) and the amount of water extracted from the soil if it is not controlled; Russian thistle control post-harvest and some ideas to improve the control at that time; and whether cooperative management is helping to reduce Russian thistle infestation and its control cost.

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Episode 19 - Watch recording

IPM Decision-Support Tools for Wildland Weed Management

Presenter: Doug Johnson, California Invasive Plant Council

Doug Johnson from the California Invasive Plant Council discusses IPM online decision-support tools for managing invasive plants in natural lands, including the Weed Control User Tool (WeedCUT). https://weedcut.ipm.ucanr.edu/

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Episode 18 - Watch recording

Managing Herbicide-Resistant Italian Ryegrass with Electric Current in Hazelnut Orchards

Presenter: Marcelo Moretti, Assistant Professor and Extension Weed-Management Specialist, Oregon State University

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Episode 16 - Watch recording

Use of Precision Applied Steam to Control Soilborne Pathogens and Weeds in Lettuce

Presenter: Mark Siemens, Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Arizona

Lettuce drop (Sclerotinia spp.) and in-row weed control are major concerns of California and Arizona lettuce growers. Soil disinfection using steam is a highly effective technique for controlling plant pathogens and weeds, but is cost prohibitive since conventionally steam is applied to the entire soil profile. To address this, a prototype band-steam was developed where only narrow strips of soil centered on the seed line are treated. The device is principally comprised of a 35 BHP steam generator mounted on a bed shaper. The system's design and operation, as well as field trials results will be presented and discussed.

Developing Non-chemical Harvest Weed Seed Control Strategies in Dryland Crops

Presenter: Eric Westra, Department of Agricultural Biology, Colorado State University

Talk will cover updates on field trials evaluating how chaff lining fits into dryland cropping systems in the Central Great Plains as an integrated weed management tool. Evaluation of chaff lining weed control efficacy in wheat, corn, and grain sorghum will provide information on how this integrated weed management tactic will fit in new geographic regions.

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Episode 10 - Watch recording

Topic: Spot It! Report It! Remove It! Mobilizing Residents in the Fight Against Invasive Weeds

Presenter: Qiting Chen, IPM Coordinator, City of Edmonton, Alberta

Description: Public education and awareness of invasive plant species are essential to support integrated pest management efforts in municipalities. The public plays an important role in detection, data collection and early intervention of invasive plant species. In Edmonton, efforts to engage the public in IPM activities have been ongoing and in 2019 the city launched a social marketing campaign called Spot it, Report it, Remove it. Tactics used include public outreach events, community weed pulls, door-to-door outreach campaigns, and the weed identification feature in the Edmonton 311 app. We will discuss the results and lessons learnt from the campaign.

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Episode 6 - Watch Recording

Revegetating Weed-Infested Rangeland

Presenter: Jane Mangold, Montana State University

Seeding desired vegetation to compete with weeds is sometimes necessary when weeds have

dominated rangeland for many years and remnant vegetation is scarce. This presentation will share research results from a variety of Montana studies where seeding was integrated with other weed-control strategies.

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Episode 5 - Watch Recording

Ecological Management of Kochia in Irrigated Western Cropping Systems

Presenter: Prashant Jha, Associate Professor and Extension Weed Specialist, Iowa State University

Description: This presentation will highlight on how to best implement sustainable integrated weed management programs to reduce herbicide reliance and manage weed resistance to herbicides in sugar beet-based crop rotations of the Western United States.

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Episode 4 - Episode 04 - Watch recording

Schools in the Time of COVID: More Questions than Answers

Presenter: Shaku Nair, University of Arizona:

A Developing and Developed Countries Perspective on Implementation of Integrated Weed Management

Presenter: Anil Shrestha, California State University, Fresno

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By Gale Perez
Posted by - Public Education Specialist