Red Blotch Disease

Nov 30, 2012

At a recent meeting held at UC Davis titled “Current Issues in Vineyard Health”, a newly-discovered viral disease being expressed in California’s vineyards was discussed. Currently named ‘Red Blotch Disease’, its symptoms distinguish it from leafroll virus expression, as does its PCR fingerprint. Presently, the most complete information available on the disease can be found in a brochure developed by Jim Wolpert, Viticulture Extension Specialist, UC Davis and Mysore Sudarshana, Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS, UC Davis. 


If you experienced low soluble solids (Brix) or had lower than expected yields in 2012 that cannot be explained, you might want to learn more about Red Blotch Disease.





By Stephen J. Vasquez
Author - Viticulture Farm Advisor