Jan 26, 2013

United States Department Of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service

Position Announcement
Research Plant Physiologist/Ecologist/Entomologist/Geneticist/Biologist
Davis, CA United States

The Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research Unit is seeking a scientist at its Davis, CA worksite, to conduct research and serve as Lead Scientist on an aquatic plant management project using integrated control approaches.  Initial focus is expected to be on invasive plants important to the Sacramento/ San Joaquin River Delta and will include both submerged and floating aquatic plants such as Brazilian Waterweed and Water Hyacinth.  Depending upon the discipline of the successful candidate, a comprehensive research program is expected that combines descriptive and experimental scientific activities that will lead to holistic and sustainable methods of managing aquatic invasive species in the Western United States.  This research effort is expected to be conducted cooperatively with other state and federal agencies, including but not limited to, the University of California, California Department of Boating and Waterways, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation and others.

Ph.D. degree, or Ph.D. in place by date of hire, required in turfgrass science, agronomy, horticulture, or a closely related discipline. A demonstrated ability to publish original research in peer-reviewed journals, and research experience and expertise in turfgrass management are required. Ability to work effectively as a team member, excellent written and verbal communication skills, and demonstrated experience with extension audiences and/or in the classroom is requirements of this position. Demonstrated experience in writing grant proposals and strong leadership skills are preferred.

To review the position description and to apply, go to:


By Gale Perez
Author - Public Education Specialist