Fourth Flight Treatments for European Grapevine Moth

Aug 17, 2010

After meeting with UC Cooperative Extension and EGVM treatment coordinators, the Fresno County Ag Commissioner is recommending that growers within 1,000 meters of an EGVM find continue to treat the fourth flight of this pest. In order to make an informed decision on what to use for this treatment, please contact the Fresno County EGVM Treatment Coordinator:

Ken Schneider:

559-787-3700 office

559-259-0335 cell

Growers should coordinate their applications using the following timings:

1.  From now until September 3rd, if you have time for a preharvest application, apply with an appropriate treatment to meet your harvest date.

2.  From now until postharvest, if you cannot make a preharvest treatment, plan a postharvest application as soon as possible following the completion of harvest but prior to flood irrigating your vineyard.

Despite no additional moths being found in Fresno County, eradication has been the primary goal and is essential in minimizing the impact of a prolonged quarantine period. Continued, timely treatments are integral to achieving this goal. Your efforts are not going unnoticed and will benefit our entire agricultural industry.

Additional monies to help offset the cost of materials have been secured with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Please contact them at (559) 276-7494 before Friday, August 20th so the proper paperwork can be filed.

Thank you very much for all of your efforts as what you are doing is protecting agriculture in Fresno County.

By Stephen J. Vasquez
Author - Viticulture Farm Advisor